Finishing Post-Modernism

Reading Notes

Chapter Six – pgs 190-205


Cultural Position

Cultural position – the post-modern concept that we all hold identities and subjectivities that determine our particular interpretation of the world. According to this concept, we can never overcome these biases completely.

More stuff about cultural biases and how experiences alter our perceptions

Vernacular, Appropriated, and Default Forms

“If modernism was about abstraction and the “high” culture of fine art, post-modernism is often about the iconic forms of popular culture and the “low” art of advertising.”

Mentions how well Bodoni goes with Helvetica (just like Larry said)


By the 1980s and 1990s, some designers were feeling that graphic design had lost its expressive role in communication.

Apple’s 1984 Mac let people create typefaces. Technology always influences design

Émigré is/was a foundry that wanted to make more expressive fonts

Keedy – pro-sampling, as long as the designer is dead. Interesting fact: sampling in hip-hop also came around at this time in history.

Appropriated – taken for one’s own, usually without permission. “Appropriated Form” in design is often taken from another culture or period of history in order to borrow the connotations of the original.

Hyperreality and Living in the Image

Ads attatch attributes to products so people think that they are buying the attribute.

Style and image are central to po-mo

I should get into the wedding industry…

Hyperreality is unnatural, an illusion, a simulation.