Really the only things I would change feel kind of small to me. The way the arm touches the bottom of the U in hurt feels kind of odd. I think it should either overlap more or be brought away from it. Like I said in class, I think the white box around the url needs to be resolved a bit. On the tags, it feels kind of weird that some of the pins are just barely touching the words. Again, I feel like you should overlap them or move them away. Hanging the tags at some skewed angles is the solution that comes to my mind. I feel like the subtext is just a bit to close to the figure and could be moved down a little bit. Lastly, I just kind of wonder if you could make the top of the T in hurt a bit more pin like? That might be good or bad, but something I think is worth exploring.
All of Derek's suggestions are understood and justified. A lot of the overlapping could be tweaked one way or the other. The website problem will be sorted out. I was thinking of getting rid of the white box and probably reversing the bullying.gov to a light grey. I don't want the tags to be at different angles because I think it will weaken the grid and take away the strong verticality of the structure. The subtext could use some breathing room (though it is kind of making some interesting negative space right now; perhaps that can be conserved). I will also boost the contrast between type and background to improve legibility, as that was an issue discussed in class. As far as making the T more pin-like I will have to see how it looks, because I want that pin shape while still making the letter fit in with the rest of the type.

{Derek} I think the minor tweaks that were made to the poster look awesome! Increasing the contrast really makes it pop out a lot more which is really nice. The url is definitely a lot less distracting and the text is a lot less crammed. I can understand not wanting to lose the structure of the grid, and I see you resolved the "ugly" tag. I think the "gay" on the tag could be moved up a little bit. Not enough to make it look off center but just a bit. Other than that I think it's looking really good!
I see your point with the "gay" tag. Now that I look at it, the "fat" on the tag next to it could probable be scooted up a little bit as well. Thanks for the feedback Derek.