Systems Design - Family History

Rough - A

Rough - B


Final Reading - Chapter Seven and Conclusion

Reading Notes

Chapter Seven – pgs 224-234


The Changing Notion of Audience

Interaction design is easier through computers

Behavior study is becoming part of the design process

Sanders – designing with people, not just for them

All things have affordances, some more obvious than others

A New Paradigm

Research is necessary and valuable

We shouldn’t define the limits of graphic design, but instead push the limits

Chapter 7 part one

Reading Notes

Chapter Seven – pgs 208-224


A New Paradigm: Designing Experiences, Not Objects

The designer takes on the traditional role of tradesman, in addition to those of artist and communication strategist.

Software made creation an output much faster. Type is now easier to manipulate. It allowed anyone to become a designer.

The Insight of Marshall McLuhan

1.                  Medium is the message – media change the world around them by effects that supersede the very content they seek to communicate. The impact of television on how we see the world is bigger than the content of any single program. Many use the cell phone to get feelings to incite emotions that are otherwise absent in our daily lives.

2.                  hot and cool media – our sensory experiences with differing levels of message definition under various technologies. Radio and film are hot because they are clearer and more information-rich. They require less sensory participation to complete the message. Political cartoons and television are cool because they require more involvement from the user. His definitions may be out of date today.

3.                  Acoustical space – pre-literate, oral traditions in communication. There is less mediation with hearing than with sight

4.                  Global village – electronic media gives people equal access to public information and re-establishes the simultaneity of the pre-literate acoustic culture. Mentions the JFK-Nixon televised debate.

A Convergence of Media

Convergence – a move from media-specific content to content that flows across multiple media channels; the interdependence of media systems.

Remediation – is the process through which the characteristics and approaches of competing media are imitated, altered, and critiqued in a new medium – the representation of one medium in another.

Complexity and Experience

Contemporary design problems are increasingly complex and defined in terms of experiences rather than objects.

An experience must have a beginning and end. An experience is composed of parts that are distinct but that flow from one to another without interruption. An experience may be described in terms of a quality or unity by which we name it, and thus recall it long after it has happened. An experience has a pattern and a structure of alternating between doing and undoing, which should be balanced.

(I’m not going to read the upside down type on the fig. 7.11 concept map)

Postmodern Poster

original Swiss design poster


image study



Finishing Post-Modernism

Reading Notes

Chapter Six – pgs 190-205


Cultural Position

Cultural position – the post-modern concept that we all hold identities and subjectivities that determine our particular interpretation of the world. According to this concept, we can never overcome these biases completely.

More stuff about cultural biases and how experiences alter our perceptions

Vernacular, Appropriated, and Default Forms

“If modernism was about abstraction and the “high” culture of fine art, post-modernism is often about the iconic forms of popular culture and the “low” art of advertising.”

Mentions how well Bodoni goes with Helvetica (just like Larry said)


By the 1980s and 1990s, some designers were feeling that graphic design had lost its expressive role in communication.

Apple’s 1984 Mac let people create typefaces. Technology always influences design

Émigré is/was a foundry that wanted to make more expressive fonts

Keedy – pro-sampling, as long as the designer is dead. Interesting fact: sampling in hip-hop also came around at this time in history.

Appropriated – taken for one’s own, usually without permission. “Appropriated Form” in design is often taken from another culture or period of history in order to borrow the connotations of the original.

Hyperreality and Living in the Image

Ads attatch attributes to products so people think that they are buying the attribute.

Style and image are central to po-mo

I should get into the wedding industry…

Hyperreality is unnatural, an illusion, a simulation.